Saturday, July 23, 2005

tagging tagging tagged....!

couldn't escape getting tagged by prads

Three names I go by:
1) Chicken (engineering college friends)
2) Jhol (for messing up reality, imagination, philosophy, rationality and reason into one holistic single entity)
3) Vinay (sanity lives on.....)

Three Screen Names:
1) whydo
2) vinv
3) v_virwani (sanity also dominates......)

Three things I like about myself:
1) ideation (99% inspiration, 1 % perspiration)
2) ambitous
3) tactful

Three things I don't like about myself:
1) too much ideation (even the 1% perspiration goes in the preparation for the inspiration)
2) indecisive
3) time mismanagement

Three things that scare me:
1) things going wrong from the planned scheme.
2) ending up with the wrong person
3) reality

Three essentials:
1) health
2) wealth
3) romance

Three things I like in the opposite sex:
1) their intelligence
2) their stupidity
3) their mystery

Three things that I want to do badly now:
1) watch a classic movie
2) prepare a write-up of the whole masti with friends in Delhi
3) sleep

Three careers I am considering right now:
1) Brand Manager
2) Teacher
3) Athlete

Three places I'd love to go on vacation:
1) Goa
2) Rajasthan
3) Seychelles

Three kids' names I like (Why?):
1) Ina
2) Mina
3) Dika

Three things to do before dying:
1) win the olympics
2) direct a movie
3) build a big big big very big brand!

Three people who get to take this wonderful quiz (!!!):
1) seetz
2) aakanksha
3) blue athena


At 7:03 PM, August 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really have the patience to write so much???


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